Sportsmassage in Copenhagen

Sports massage is for athletes or for people who have an active lifestyle. Sports massage aims, among other things, to help you prepare for a possible competition, achieve a faster recovery or get back to the sport faster after an injury. Massage causes the body to release endorphins, which are the body’s own analgesic substance.

Sports massage 30 min. (1 pers.) – DKK 405, –
Sports massage 60 min. (1 pers.) – DKK 685, –

Recover with sports massage in Copenhagen

When our sports massage in Copenhagen you cab get a a faster recovery after sports because massage has a positive effect on the circulation. Generally, the body may need a longer break after a hard workout because waste products accumulate in the muscles. However, as the blood circulation improves it helps waste products being transported away faster from the body’s muscles than without massage. This can quickly get you back running, biking, walking or back to playing sports.

In addition to speeding up your recovery, the increased blood circulation also helps to relax your muscles and gives your muscles effective restitution.

What pain can be relieved with sports massage?
Sports massage consists of many different massage techniques, all of which aim to take care of problem areas in your body. Our sports massage in Copenhagen is always based on the individual client’s needs, and this way we relieve discomfort and pain as effectively as possible.

The list of pains that can be relieved with sports massage long. Here are some of the most common reasons for getting a sports massage:

  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Knee pain
  • Ankle pain
  • Back pain

What minor sports injuries can we treat with sports massage?

  • Overload damage (incl. Inflammation)
  • Fiber explosions
  • Sprains (typically ankle)
  • Strains


As masseurs / alternative therapists, we are not allowed not diagnose or treat injuries that your doctor or other authorized healthcare professional does not recommend. If you have doubts about what your injury is due to, or whether massage can be recommended, always consult your doctor, physiotherapist or another relevant healthcare professional. We recommended that you wait 72 hours from the time an injury has occurred until you receive treatment. In the meantime, you can take advantage of the MCE principle:

M = mobilization (move what you can as much as you can)

C = compression (compressive dressing)

E = Elevation (hold the damaged area high)

The MCE principle replaces the RICE principle.

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