We have 2 clinics which are both located in the very center of Copenhagen – right next to a Metro at Nørregade and Store Kongensgade.
You can see the exact locations below.
Located 300 meters from the clinic at Nørregade 22.
The fastest option is to use the parking facility at Nørreport – entrance from Nørre Voldgade. It takes approximately 10 minutes to walk from the parking basement to the clinic.
Park at exit A or B when you are in the parking basement – it leads out to the Nørreport side – otherwise, you might easily end up on the other side of Israels Plads.
Alternatively, you can park in the parking spaces on Nørre Voldgade or in the surrounding streets. Allow extra time on weekdays from 10 AM to 4 PM when it’s usually quite challenging to find parking.
Ezanza Massage
Store Kongensgade 3, 1. floor
1264 Copenhagen C
Located 100 meters from the clinic at Store Kongensgade 3.
The fastest option is to use the parking facility at Borgergade and Landgreven – entrance from Borgergade. It takes approximately 5 minutes to walk from the parking basement to the clinic.
Alternatively, you can park in the parking spaces in the surrounding streets. Allow PLENTY of extra time because it’s usually quite challenging to find parking.